Below are the words playing hide & seek on this 24 x 24" canvas. They came to me from mystery as I worked on my first large painting after a big cancer surgery, like a get-well card sent from coyote. A great reminder of how to be healthy. I played with the letters, with deep, rough texture, with splatters & wild color. Some people hate this painting. Some people love it. When it was hanging at Sebastopol Gallery, some people took one look & laughed out loud. I love those moments, & the happiness this crazy painting continues to bring.
coyote is the trickster
blue is the loyalty
blue coyote is loyal
to our need for humor
to take ourselves lightly
offer lightness & paradox
to our overburdened sisters
& brothers over & over
invite play as the cure
both internal & external
in meeting difficult challenges
which can open as an oyster
of opportunity & good